Forum Pianistyczne
"Bieszczady bez granic" 1-7.02.2025
ZAPISZ SIĘ | www.forum.interpiano.pl |
LIDIA REZNIKOVA began to play at the age of 5.
She studied at the best music schools for talented children where many world-known musicians made their first steps in music.
At the age of 7 she entered the Central special music school at the P.I.Tchaikovsky State Conservatoire in Moscow. Her teacher was Vasilii Ivanovich Ermakov.
In 1992 Lidia entered the Special Gnesins music school. She studied there in the class of Professor Vera Borisovna Nosina.
In December 1998 Lidia won the queen-mother scholarship for studying in the Royal college of Music (London) in the class of Professor Irina Zaritskaya.
In June 2003 Lidia ended the Gnesins Russian academy of music in the piano class of professor Vera Borisovna Nosina, in the concertmaster class of docent Artur Maksovich Aksenov, in the chamber class of professor Igor Andreevich Chernyavski.
In June 2003 she won postgraduate student scholarship for studying in the Gnesins Russian academy of music in the piano class of Vera Borisovna Nosina.
In September 2005 Lidia became teacher of the Gnesins Russian academy of music.
• Diplomaed at the Third International Piano Competition "DVARIONAS"(Vilnius, 1994).
• Laureate at the Second International Competition "ASSEMBLIES OF ARTS" (Moscow, 1994).
• Laureate at the Second International Frederick Chopin Competition for young pianists (Moscow, 1996).
• Grand Prix Laureate of the International Competition of Young Performers "XXI Century Art"(Ukraine, Kiev, 2001).
• Grand Prix Laureate of the International Competition "Young Performers in XXI Century"(Greece, Athens, 2002).
• Laureate of the International Competition of Young Performers (Denmark, 2003).
Since the age of 7 she plaid in great concert halls of Moscow and other Russian towns. Since the age of 10 she had repeatedly toured with recitals on the prestigious stages of the world: France, England, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Mexico, USA, Greece, Cyprus.
Actually, her conquests at competitions did less determine her rise than her meetings with founders of association "ASSEMBLIES OF ARTS" president S.R. Sapojnikov and art- director I.S. Prokofieva.
She successfully combines solo and chamber music.
An appreciable event in the young pianist's life was her performance in a duet with the violoncellist Dmitri Prokofief at the Louvre Auditorium in Paris (February 1998).
She cooperates with symphonic orchestras of Russia.
In July 1999 and January 2000 she gave 60 charitable recitals in different cities of USA in favor of seriously ill Russian orphan children.
Lidia Reznikova was many times mentioned in the press, participated in radio- and TV-programs in Russia, Europe and USA.
Her repertoire is very large, enriches itself with new compositions, her renderings become more refined and well-thought out. It includes works of classical and romantic composers and composers of XX century.
Information from: www.reznikova.ru
Diana Chubak jest studentką czwartego roku w Lwowskiej Narodowej Akademii Muzycznej im. Mykoły Łysenki. (klasa Profesor Oksana Rapita) Diana urodziła się w 1995 roku w Ternopolu (Ukraina). Ukończyła Państwową Szkołę Muzyczną w Ternopilii.
Diana Chubak jest laureatką wielu krajowych i międzynarodowych konkursów. Wśród ostatnich:
Jako solistka występowała z Miejską Orkiestrą Kameralną Mariupola, Państwową Orkiestrą Prezydenta Ukrainy, Orkiestrą Akademii Nauk "Lwowskiego Wirtuoza" z Orkiestrą Kameralną Academa Dell'Arco (Polska).
Uczyła się u takich pianistów jak Maria Krushelnytska (Ukraina), Lidia Kryh (Ukraina), Karol Radziwonowicz (Polska), Andrzej Jasiński (Polska), Andrzej Tatarski (Polska), Martin Lysholm Jepsen (Dania), Wołodymyr Vynnytskyi (USA) Matti Raekallio (USA), Lily Dorfman (Izrael).